August 2023 Newsletter
This August, we have summer weather to enjoy. Find fun summer events happening along with updates from each of our locations in this month's newsletter.
July 2023 Newsletter
This July, we have Independence Day to celebrate. Find fun summer events happening along with updates from each of our locations in this month's newsletter.
June 2023 Newsletter
This June we have a lot to celebrate including Flag Day, Father's Day, and Juneteenth. Sail with us and take look through this months newsletter.
May 2023 Newsletter
May we never forget that freedom isn't free. In this month's newsletter we take a moment to recognize memorial day.
April 2023 Newsletter
Fun facts about Easter: Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ in the Christian religion. Eggs have been seen as an ancient symbol of fertility, while springtime is considered to bring new life and rebirth. Americans spend $1.9 billion on Easter candy. 70% of Easter candy purchased
March 2023 Newsletter
This March we're celebrating St. Patricks Day. Find out fun facts about the holiday as well as regular monthly updates from each of our locations across Southern Illinois.
February 2023 Newsletter
This February we're recognizing National Heart Month. Get updates from each of our locations across Southern Illinois including residents of the month and what we've been up to.
January 2023 Newsletter
The new year is a time to start fresh. It is a good time to set new goals for yourself. Here are a few of the goals some of our residents have set: Meet new friends, sightseeing, lose weight, and stay healthy.
December 2022 Newsletter
As we reflect on 2022, we are reminded just how special our residents are. This year may have been challenging for some, but our residents found the beauty in the simplicity. We have made so many wonderful memories and will cherish each and every one forever.
November 2022 Newsletter
When it comes to health and safety, The Voyage Senior Living is committed to ensuring that our residents and staff are being as safe as possible when in one of our community campuses. The Voyage promotes family involvement with care and engagement efforts. With that, comes the responsibility of our visitors